
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

Transform Lives with Voice of Slum: Empowering a Generation

Rs 300
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Rs 20000
Rs 25000
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Voice of Slum goes beyond just providing education. We believe in holistic support that includes emotional, social, and financial assistance. Our dedicated team works closely with each child, offering mentorship and guidance to help them overcome personal and academic challenges.

Integrating Children into Mainstream Society

Our goal is to make children from slums a part of mainstream society. We are not just educating these children; we are transforming entire generations. When one child succeeds, they set an example and pave the way for others. Voice of Slum is built on this ideology: if a child is ten years old, we prepare them for the fifth class and then integrate them into mainstream schools. We take full responsibility for their education, from the beginning until they graduate, covering their tuition, stationery, and all other educational needs.

A Story of Resilience: Khushboo’s Journey

Khushboo is a shining example of the impact of our efforts. After losing her father and becoming the primary caregiver for her family, Khushboo faced immense challenges. With five siblings and a mother who is unable to walk, she took on the responsibility of supporting her family. Today, thanks to the support from Voice of Slum, Khushboo is studying in college. Despite her education, she continues to work to ensure her family has food on the table every day. Her story is a testament to the resilience and determination that we aim to nurture in every child we support.

Your involvement is crucial in shaping the futures of these children. Every donation, volunteer hour, and shared story makes a difference. Together, we can provide them with the stability, education, and opportunities they need to thrive. 

At Voice of Slum, our mission is to uplift and empower underprivileged children, providing them with the tools and opportunities they need for a brighter future. Our commitment goes beyond education; we strive to transform entire generations, breaking the cycle of poverty and giving these children the chance to integrate into mainstream society.


Voice of Slum has successfully integrated over 800 children into mainstream society. Currently, we are supporting more than 370 children, ensuring they have access to quality education and opportunities. However, many parents cannot afford to enroll their children in proper schools, and due to limited resources, we sometimes have to turn away children in need. This is a situation that deeply saddens us, and we strive to change it with your help.

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